16.66.Ellipse |
| 16.66.1. | Stretch=Uniform | |
| 16.66.2. | Stretch=UniformToFill | |
| 16.66.3. | Start animation after clicking the Ellipse | |
| 16.66.4. | Set Stroke, StrokeThickness, Height and Width for Ellipse | |
| 16.66.5. | Ellipse with OuterGlowBitmapEffect | |
| 16.66.6. | Fill Ellipse with custom ImageBrush - TileMode Tile | |
| 16.66.7. | Ellipse with BlurBitmapEffect | |
| 16.66.8. | EllipseGeometry and GeometryDrawing | |
| 16.66.9. | Ellipse Geometry | |
| 16.66.10. | Draws several Ellipse elements within a Canvas | |
| 16.66.11. | Ellipse Shape and Stroke | |
| 16.66.12. | Ellipse with DropShadowBitmapEffect | |
| 16.66.13. | Using Image as Ellipse fill | |
| 16.66.14. | Draws an oval with a light green interior and a red outline | |
| 16.66.15. | Sets the shape's Fill property with an ImageBrush. The resulting ellipse's interior is painted with an image | |
| 16.66.16. | Creates an ellipse shape using two ArcSegment objects | |
| 16.66.17. | Use Ellipse event delegate | |
| 16.66.18. | Use Ellipse.AddHandler to add handler to Ellipse objects | |
| 16.66.19. | Ellipse Shape | |
| 16.66.20. | Ellipse depends on Canvas layout and position | |
| 16.66.21. | An animated Ellipse traces the outline of rendered text by using the path geometry of the text. | |
| 16.66.22. | Ellipse Mouse Down event | |
| 16.66.23. | Capture Mouse Ellipse | |
| 16.66.24. | Ellipse MouseMove event | |
| 16.66.25. | Ellipse Mouse up event | |