16.79.ImageBrush |
| 16.79.1. | ImageBrush Examples |  |
| 16.79.2. | ImageBrush TileMode='Tile' |  |
| 16.79.3. | ImageBrush TileMode='FlipX' |  |
| 16.79.4. | ImageBrush TileMode='FlipY' |  |
| 16.79.5. | ImageBrush TileMode='FlipXY' |  |
| 16.79.6. | The ImageBrush's content is vertically aligned with the top of the output area. |  |
| 16.79.7. | The ImageBrush's content is vertically centered |  |
| 16.79.8. | The ImageBrush's content is vertically aligned with the bottom of the output area |  |
| 16.79.9. | The ImageBrush's content is right-aligned |  |
| 16.79.10. | The ImageBrush's content is left-aligned |  |
| 16.79.11. | The ImageBrush's content is centered horizontally |  |
| 16.79.12. | With the Opacity Mask |  |
| 16.79.13. | Use an ImageBrush to paint an area with an image |  |
| 16.79.14. | None Stretch ImageBrush |  |
| 16.79.15. | Uniform Stretch ImageBrush |  |
| 16.79.16. | The ImageBrush's content is not tiled in this example |  |
| 16.79.17. | The ImageBrush's content is tiled in this example |  |
| 16.79.18. | The ImageBrush's content is flipped horizontally as it is tiled |  |
| 16.79.19. | ImageBrush's content is not tiled |  |
| 16.79.20. | ImageBrush's tiles are set to 10% by 10% of the output area |  |
| 16.79.21. | ImageBrush's tiles are set to 10% by 30% of the output area |  |
| 16.79.22. | ImageBrush's tiles are set to 50% by 50% of the output area |  |
| 16.79.23. | ImageBrush's tiles are set to 25 by 25 pixels |  |
| 16.79.24. | ImageBrush's tiles are set to 25 by 50 pixels |  |
| 16.79.25. | ImageBrush ViewportUnits=Absolute |  |
| 16.79.26. | The ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to Uniform: the image is expanded as large as possible |  |
| 16.79.27. | ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to UniformToFill: image is expanded to completely fill the rectangle, but its aspect ratio is preserved |  |
| 16.79.28. | ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to Fill: image is expanded to completely fill the rectangle. |  |
| 16.79.29. | Text's Foreground = ImageBrush. The resulting text is filled with an image |  |
| 16.79.30. | Panel's Background property with an ImageBrush |  |
| 16.79.31. | The ImageBrush's content is flipped vertically as it is tiled |  |
| 16.79.32. | The ImageBrush's content is flipped horizontally and vertically as it is tiled |  |
| 16.79.33. | Fill rectangle with UniformToFill ImageBrush |  |
| 16.79.34. | Fill Polygon with Left aligned Uniform ImageBrush |  |
| 16.79.35. | RotateTransform ImageBrush.RelativeTransform |  |
| 16.79.36. | RotateTransform ImageBrush.Transform |  |
| 16.79.37. | Specifying a Stretch and a TileMode |  |
| 16.79.38. | Specifying a Stretch and alignment |  |