Evaluate Multiple Properties for the Same Trigger : EventTrigger « Windows Presentation Foundation « VB.Net Tutorial

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="WPF" Height="100" Width="300">
            TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
                        <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True"/>
                        <Condition Property="IsFocused" Value="True"/>
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Orange" />

        <TextBox Height="20" Width="200">
            this is a test

WPF Evaluate Multiple Properties For The Same Trigger

16.88.1.Enter and exit actions MouseEnter and MouseLeave, UnloadedEnter and exit actions MouseEnter and MouseLeave, Unloaded
16.88.2.Use EventTrigger elements to animate the MouseEnter and OnMouseLeave events of a Rectangle.Use EventTrigger elements to animate the MouseEnter and OnMouseLeave events of a Rectangle.
16.88.3.Multi Trigger: Pressed, Mouse overMulti Trigger: Pressed, Mouse over
16.88.4.Triggers: Control.IsFocused, Control.IsMouseOver, Button.IsPressedTriggers: Control.IsFocused, Control.IsMouseOver, Button.IsPressed
16.88.5.Apply Multiple Triggers to the Same ElementApply Multiple Triggers to the Same Element
16.88.6.Focused TriggerFocused Trigger
16.88.7.Evaluate Multiple Properties for the Same TriggerEvaluate Multiple Properties for the Same Trigger
16.88.8.Window Load as Animation TriggerWindow Load as Animation Trigger
16.88.9.Using a Trigger to modify the appearance of Button elementsUsing a Trigger to modify the appearance of Button elements
16.88.10.Using a Trigger to modify the appearance of a single ButtonUsing a Trigger to modify the appearance of a single Button
16.88.11.Declaring a local TriggerDeclaring a local Trigger
16.88.12.Using a Trigger to modify the appearance of any ControlUsing a Trigger to modify the appearance of any Control
16.88.13.Using a Trigger to modify multiple attributes of a ButtonUsing a Trigger to modify multiple attributes of a Button
16.88.14.Simple XAML Animation in EventTriggerSimple XAML Animation in EventTrigger
16.88.15.Use DataTriggerand MultiDataTrigger.Use DataTriggerand MultiDataTrigger.