Use StreamWriter and StreamReader to deal with text file : StreamWriter « Stream File « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System.IO

public class Test
   public Shared Sub Main
        Dim file_name As String = "test.txt"
        Dim stream_writer As New StreamWriter(file_name)
        stream_writer.Write("The quick brown fox")
        stream_writer.WriteLine(" jumps over the lazy dog.")

        Dim stream_reader As New StreamReader(file_name)
   End Sub
End class
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

13.19.1.Create StreamWriter from FileStream
13.19.2.Use StreamWriter and StreamReader to deal with text file
13.19.3.Save various data types to a text file
13.19.4.Log file with StreamWriter and StreamReader
13.19.5.Use WriteAllLines to write text to a file
13.19.6.Redirect standard output from the console to the output file
13.19.7.Recover the standard output stream so that a completion message can be displayed.
13.19.8.Use the OpenStandardOutput method.