Get Enumerator from Hashtable : Hashtable « Collections « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System.Collections
public class Test
   public Shared Sub Main
        Dim Hash As New Hashtable()
        Hash.Add("5", "A")
        Hash.Add("6", "B")
        Hash.Add("7", "C")
        Dim Enumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = Hash.GetEnumerator
        While (Enumerator.MoveNext())
          Console.WriteLine(Enumerator.Key.ToString + "=" + Enumerator.Value.ToString)
        End While

   End Sub
End class

8.13.1.Add value pair to Hashtable and get value back by key
8.13.2.Retrieve single value from Hashtable by key
8.13.3.Retrieve all keys, sort and iterate
8.13.4.Retrieve all values, sort and iterate
8.13.5.Find value and key in a Hashtable
8.13.6.Get Enumerator from Hashtable
8.13.8.Use For Each to loop through all keys in Hashtable
8.13.9.A case-sensitive hash table and a case-insensitive hash table