Creates random numbers and sorts them using bubble sort : Sort « Collections « VB.Net Tutorial

Module Tester

   Sub Main()
      Dim array As Integer() = New Integer(9) {}

      Dim randomNumber As Random = New Random()
      Dim i As Integer

      For i = 0 To array.GetUpperBound(0)
         array(i) = randomNumber.Next(100)
         Console.Write(array(i)& " ")

      For i = 0 To array.GetUpperBound(0)
         Console.Write(array(i)& " ")
   End Sub 
   Sub BubbleSort(ByVal sortArray As Integer())
      Dim pass, i As Integer

      For pass = 1 To sortArray.GetUpperBound(0)

         For i = 0 To sortArray.GetUpperBound(0) - 1

            If sortArray(i) > sortArray(i + 1) Then
               Swap(sortArray, i)
            End If



   End Sub ' BubbleSort

   Sub Swap(ByVal swapArray As Integer(), _
      ByVal first As Integer)

      Dim hold As Integer

      hold = swapArray(first)
      swapArray(first) = swapArray(first + 1)
      swapArray(first + 1) = hold
   End Sub ' Swap

End Module
11 18 28 60 97 59 23 23 25 14
11 14 18 23 23 25 28 59 60 97 "

8.28.1.Creates random numbers and sorts them using bubble sort