Array Reverse and Sort : Array Sort Reverse « Collections « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System
 Class Tester

     Public Shared Sub DisplayArray(ByVal theArray( ) As Object)

         Dim obj As Object
         For Each obj In theArray
             Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", obj)
         Next obj
     End Sub 

     Public Shared Sub Main( )
         Dim myArray As [String]( ) = {"W", "s", "J", "t"}

         Console.WriteLine("Display myArray...")

         Console.WriteLine("Reverse and display myArray...")

         Dim myOtherArray As [String]( ) ={"W", "d", "e", "s", "o", "e", "f", "t"}

         Console.WriteLine("Display myOtherArray...")

         Console.WriteLine("Sort and display myOtherArray...")
     End Sub 'Main
 End Class 'Tester
Display myArray...
Value: W
Value: s
Value: J
Value: t

Reverse and display myArray...
Value: t
Value: J
Value: s
Value: W

Display myOtherArray...
Value: W
Value: d
Value: e
Value: s
Value: o
Value: e
Value: f
Value: t

Sort and display myOtherArray...
Value: d
Value: e
Value: e
Value: f
Value: o
Value: s
Value: t
Value: W

8.6.Array Sort Reverse
8.6.1.Reverse the contents of an array
8.6.2.Array Reverse and Sort
8.6.4.Array.Sort and Array.IndexOf
8.6.5.Linear search of an array
8.6.6.Demonstrating binary search of an array
8.6.7.Sort only part of the Array
8.6.8.Sort the values in an Array using the default comparer and a custom comparer that reverses the sort order.
8.6.9.Sort<(Of <(T>)>)(array[]()[]) and BinarySearch<(Of <(T>)>)(array[]()[], T)
8.6.10.Sort two associated arrays where the first array contains keys and the second array contains values
8.6.11.Determine the index of the first occurrence of a specified element.
8.6.12.Three generic overloads of the LastIndexOf method from Array