Use PlatformID class to identify the currently executing operating system. : Environment « Development « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim os As OperatingSystem = Environment.OSVersion
      Dim pid As PlatformID = os.Platform
      Select Case pid
         Case PlatformID.Win32NT, PlatformID.Win32S, _
              PlatformID.Win32Windows, PlatformID.WinCE
            Console.WriteLine("This is a Windows operating system.")
         Case PlatformID.Unix
            Console.WriteLine("This is a Unix operating system.")
         Case Else
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: This platform identifier is invalid.")
      End Select
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Sample

7.3.1.Environment: MachineName, SystemDirectory, GetLogicalDrives, Version
7.3.2.Get the command line arguments using the Environment class
7.3.6.Sort Command line arguments
7.3.7.Get the path that stores favorite links
7.3.8.Use PlatformID class to identify the currently executing operating system.