constructor inheriting : Constructor « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Public Class Address
  Private MyState as String = "DEFAULT"

  Sub New()
    Console.WriteLine("Address Created")
  End Sub

  Public Property State As String
      Return MyState
    End Get

    Set(Value As String)
      MyState = Value
    End Set
  End Property
End Class

Public Class MyAddress
  Inherits Address

  Private MyAddress as String

  Sub New()
    Console.WriteLine("MyAddress Created")
  End Sub

  Public Property Address as String
      Return MyAddress
    End Get

    Set(Value As String)
      MyAddress = Value
    End Set
  End Property
End Class

Module Test
  Sub Main()
    Dim SL As New MyAddress() 
    SL.State = "CANADA"
    SL.Address = "123"
  End Sub
End Module
Address Created
MyAddress Created

6.30.1.Class with constructor
6.30.2.Empty constructor
6.30.3.Default constructor
6.30.4.Copy constructor
6.30.5.Constructors in three levels
6.30.6.Overloaded constructors
6.30.7.Call member method in constructor
6.30.8.Private Constructor
6.30.9.Inheriting Constructors
6.30.10.Shared Constructor
6.30.11.Constructor with Optional parameter
6.30.12.Constructor Chain
6.30.13.constructor inheriting