Use one Delegate to reference two different functions : Delegate « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System
  Module HelloWorld

    Delegate Sub MyDelegate(ByVal msg as String)

    Public Sub Main()
      Dim msg As String = "Hello Delegates"
      Dim d1 as MyDelegate = AddressOf PrintOnce
      Dim d2 as MyDelegate = AddressOf PrintTwice
    End Sub

    Public Sub PrintOnce(ByVal msg as String)
    End Sub

    Public Sub PrintTwice(ByVal msg as String)
      Console.WriteLine("1." & msg)
      Console.WriteLine("2." & msg)
    End Sub
  End Module

6.28.1.Define delegate
6.28.2.Define a delegate to be a pointer to a subroutine that has a string parameter.
6.28.3.Use Delegate Sub
6.28.4.Delegate Function
6.28.5.Uses delegates to sort random numbers (ascending or descending)
6.28.6.Use AddressOf to assign function to a delegate
6.28.7.Comparison method based on delegate
6.28.8.Multiple Delegates
6.28.9.Math delegation
6.28.10.Use one Delegate to reference two different functions
6.28.11.Reference a method that has one parameter and returns a value: Func<(Of <(T, TResult>)>)