Demonstrating overflows with and without checking : Overflows « Data Type « VB.Net Tutorial

Class Tester

   Shared Sub Main()


         Dim number1 As Integer = Int32.MaxValue ' 2,147,483,647
         Dim number2 As Integer = Int32.MaxValue ' 2,147,483,647
         Dim sum As Integer = 0

         Console.WriteLine("number1: {0}" & vbCrLf & _
            "number2: {1}", number1, number2)

         Console.WriteLine("Sum integers in checked context:")

         sum = number1 + number2 ' compute sum

         Console.WriteLine("Sum after operation: {0}", sum)

      Catch overflowExceptionParameter As OverflowException

      End Try

   End Sub

End Class
number1: 2147483647
number2: 2147483647
Sum integers in checked context:
System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
   at Tester.Main()

2.21.1.Demonstrating overflows with and without checking