Boxing and unboxing Integer : Boxing unboxing « Data Type « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System

 Public Class UnboxingTest
     Public Shared Sub Main( )

         Dim myIntegerVariable As Integer = 123

         ' Boxing
         Dim myObjectVariable As Object = myIntegerVariable
         Console.WriteLine("myObjectVariable: {0}",myObjectVariable.ToString( ))
         ' unboxing (must be explicit)
         Dim anotherIntegerVariable As Integer = DirectCast(myObjectVariable, Integer)
         Console.WriteLine("anotherIntegerVariable: {0}",anotherIntegerVariable)
     End Sub
 End Class
myObjectVariable: 123
anotherIntegerVariable: 123

2.23.Boxing unboxing
2.23.1.Boxing and unboxing Integer