EXEC and @@ROWCOUNT : rowcount « System Settings « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

5> CREATE TABLE Customers (
6>      CustomerID nchar (5) NOT NULL ,
7>      CompanyName nvarchar (40) NOT NULL ,
8>      ContactName nvarchar (30) NULL ,
9>      ContactTitle nvarchar (30) NULL ,
10>     Address nvarchar (60) NULL ,
11>     City nvarchar (15) NULL ,
12>     Region nvarchar (15) NULL ,
13>     PostalCode nvarchar (10) NULL ,
14>     Country nvarchar (15) NULL ,
15>     Phone nvarchar (24) NULL ,
16>     Fax nvarchar (24) NULL
17> )
18> GO
2> INSERT Customers VALUES('1','A','Maria',    'Sales',  'Str. 57', 'Berlin'    ,NULL,'12209', 'Germany','111-1111111','111-1111111')
3> INSERT Customers VALUES('2','M','Joe',      'Owner',  'Ave. 231','Vancouver' ,NULL,'05023', 'Mexico', '(222) 222-3332',NULL)
4> INSERT Customers VALUES('3','H','Thomas',   'Sales',  'Sq.  111','London'    ,NULL,'1D00P', 'UK',     '(444) 444-4444','(444) 444-4444')
5> INSERT Customers VALUES('4','B','Berg',     'Order',  'Blv    8','Toronto'   ,NULL,'00222', 'Sweden', '4444-55 55 65','5555-55 55 55')
6> INSERT Customers VALUES('5','S','Moos',     'Sales',  'Fort  57','New York'  ,NULL,'68306', 'Germany','6666-66666','6666-77777')
7> INSERT Customers VALUES('6','F','Cite',     'Manager','24      ','Dalles'    ,NULL,'67000', 'France', '','')
8> INSERT Customers VALUES('7','C','Sommer',   'Owner',  'Araq, 67','Paris'     ,NULL,'28023', 'Spain',  '(91) 555 22 82','(91) 555 91 99')
9> INSERT Customers VALUES('8','P','Leb',      'Owner',  '12      ','Beijing'   ,NULL,'13008', 'France', '','')
10> INSERT Customers VALUES('9','D','Elizabeth','Manager','23 Blvd.','Tsawassen','BC', 'T2F8M4','Canada', '(604) 555-4729','(604) 555-3745')
11> go

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
2>    EXEC('SELECT * FROM Customers')
3>    SELECT 'The Rowcount is ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT as varchar)
4> GO
CustomerID CompanyName                              ContactName                    ContactTitle                   Address                                                      City            Region
       PostalCode Country         Phone                    Fax
---------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ---------
------ ---------- --------------- ------------------------ ------------------------
1          A                                        Maria                          Sales                          Str. 57                                                      Berlin          NULL
       12209      Germany         111-1111111              111-1111111
2          M                                        Joe                            Owner                          Ave. 231                                                     Vancouver       NULL
       05023      Mexico          (222) 222-3332           NULL
3          H                                        Thomas                         Sales                          Sq.  111                                                     London          NULL
       1D00P      UK              (444) 444-4444           (444) 444-4444
4          B                                        Berg                           Order                          Blv    8                                                     Toronto         NULL
       00222      Sweden          4444-55 55 65            5555-55 55 55
5          S                                        Moos                           Sales                          Fort  57                                                     New York        NULL
       68306      Germany         6666-66666               6666-77777
6          F                                        Cite                           Manager                        24                                                           Dalles          NULL
       67000      France    
7          C                                        Sommer                         Owner                          Araq, 67                                                     Paris           NULL
       28023      Spain           (91) 555 22 82           (91) 555 91 99
8          P                                        Leb                            Owner                          12                                                           Beijing         NULL
       13008      France    
9          D                                        Elizabeth                      Manager                        23 Blvd.                                                     Tsawassen       BC
       T2F8M4     Canada          (604) 555-4729           (604) 555-3745

(9 rows affected)

The Rowcount is 9

(1 rows affected)
2> drop table Customers;
3> GO

26.27.1.Using the SET ROWCOUNT Option
26.27.2.Updating an end user's expiration date.
26.27.3.adds the account column to the authors table and creates the new bank and brokerage tables.
26.27.4.if @@ROWCOUNT = 0, return
26.27.5.if @@ROWCOUNT > 1, rollback
26.27.6.@@rowcount can be used to verify the success of selected operations
26.27.7.EXEC and @@ROWCOUNT