Define variables in a trigger : Trigger « Trigger « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

4> CREATE TABLE employee
5> (
6>    emp_id         varchar(20),
7>    fname          varchar(20)       NOT NULL,
8>    minit          char(1)               NULL,
9>    lname          varchar(30)       NOT NULL,
10>    job_id         smallint          NOT NULL       DEFAULT 1,
11>    job_lvl        tinyint                          DEFAULT 10,
12>    pub_id         char(4)           NOT NULL       DEFAULT ('9952'),
13>    hire_date      datetime          NOT NULL       DEFAULT (getdate())
14> )
15> GO
2> insert employee values ('1', 'Jack', 'T', 'Lee',     2, 215, '9952', '11/11/89')
3> insert employee values ('2', 'Jode', 'M', 'Devon',   3, 200, '9952', '07/16/91')
4> insert employee values ('3', 'Frac', 'F', 'Chang',   4, 227, '9952', '11/03/90')
5> insert employee values ('4', 'Like', 'A', 'Lebihan', 5, 175, '0736', '06/03/90')
6> insert employee values ('5', 'Paul', 'X', 'Henriot', 5, 159, '0877', '08/19/93')
7> insert employee values ('6', 'Sick', 'K', 'Ottlieb', 5, 150, '1389', '04/05/91')
8> insert employee values ('7', 'Rita', 'B', 'Muller',  5, 198, '1622', '10/09/93')
9> insert employee values ('8', 'Mary', 'J', 'Pontes',  5, 246, '1756', '03/01/89')
10> insert employee values ('9', 'Jane', 'Y', 'Labrune', 5, 172, '9901', '05/26/91')
11> insert employee values ('10','Carl', 'F', 'Hernadez',5, 211, '9999', '04/21/89')
12> GO

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3>    job_id         smallint          IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,
4>    job_desc       varchar(50)       NOT NULL      DEFAULT 'New Position - title not formalized yet',
5>    min_lvl        tinyint           NOT NULL      CHECK (min_lvl >= 10),
6>    max_lvl        tinyint           NOT NULL      CHECK (max_lvl <= 250)
7> )
8> GO
3> insert jobs values ('Coder',          10,  10)
4> insert jobs values ('Tester',         200, 250)
5> insert jobs values ('Programmer',     175, 225)
6> insert jobs values ('Painter',        175, 250)
7> insert jobs values ('Drawer',         150, 250)
8> insert jobs values ('Editor',         140, 225)
9> insert jobs values ('Manager',        120, 200)
10> insert jobs values ('Manager',        100, 175)
11> insert jobs values ('Representative', 25,  100)
12> insert jobs values ('Designer',       25,  100)
14> GO

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2> CREATE TRIGGER employee_insupd
3> ON employee
4> FOR insert, UPDATE
5> AS
7> declare @min_lvl tinyint, @max_lvl tinyint, @emp_lvl tinyint, @job_id smallint
8>   select @min_lvl = min_lvl, @max_lvl = max_lvl, @emp_lvl = i.job_lvl, @job_id = i.job_id
9> from employee e, jobs j, inserted i
10> where e.emp_id = i.emp_id AND i.job_id = j.job_id
11> IF (@job_id = 1) and (@emp_lvl <> 10)
12> begin
13>    raiserror ('Job id 1 expects the default level of 10.',16,1)
15> end
16> ELSE
17> IF NOT (@emp_lvl BETWEEN @min_lvl AND @max_lvl)
18> begin
19>    raiserror ('The level for job_id:%d should be between %d and %d.',
20>       16, 1, @job_id, @min_lvl, @max_lvl)
22> end
24> GO
2> drop table employee;
3> drop table jobs;
4> GO

22.1.1.The syntax of the CREATE TRIGGER statement
22.1.2.exits if the price column has not been updated.
22.1.3.Define variables in a trigger
22.1.4.Update table in a trigger
22.1.5.Check @@ROWCOUNT in a trigger
22.1.6.Rollback transaction in a trigger
22.1.7.RAISERROR in trigger
22.1.8.Disable a trigger
22.1.9.Enable a trigger
22.1.10.Check business logic in a trigger
22.1.11.Check record matching in a trigger
22.1.12.Table for INSTEAD OF Trigger for Logical Deletes
22.1.13.INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger for a table
22.1.14.Trigger Scripts for Cascading DELETEs