Passing the ORDER BY Column as a Parameter, Using a Column Number : Parameter « Procedure Function « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

5> CREATE TABLE authors(
6>    au_id          varchar(11),
7>    au_lname       varchar(40)       NOT NULL,
8>    au_fname       varchar(20)       NOT NULL,
9>    phone          char(12)          NOT NULL DEFAULT ('UNKNOWN'),
10>    address        varchar(40)           NULL,
11>    city           varchar(20)           NULL,
12>    state          char(2)               NULL,
13>    zip            char(5)               NULL,
14>    contract       bit               NOT NULL
15> )
16> GO
1> insert authors values('1',  'Joe',   'Abra',   '111 111-1111', '6 St.', 'Berkeley',  'CA', '11111', 1)
2> insert authors values('2',  'Jack',  'Majo',   '222 222-2222', '3 St.', 'Oakland' ,  'CA', '22222', 1)
3> insert authors values('3',  'Pink',  'Cherry', '333 333-3333', '5 Ln.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '33333', 1)
4> insert authors values('4',  'Blue',  'Albert', '444 444-4444', '7 Av.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '44444', 1)
5> insert authors values('5',  'Red',   'Anne',   '555 555-5555', '6 Av.', 'Regina',    'SK', '55555', 1)
6> insert authors values('6',  'Black', 'Michel', '666 666-6666', '3 Pl.', 'Regina',    'SK', '66666', 1)
7> insert authors values('7',  'White', 'Sylvia', '777 777-7777', '1 Pl.', 'Rockville', 'MD', '77777', 1)
8> insert authors values('8',  'Yellow','Heather','888 888-8888', '3 Pu',  'Vacaville', 'CA', '88888', 0)
9> insert authors values('9',  'Gold',  'Dep',    '999 999-9999', '5 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '99999', 0)
10> insert authors values('10', 'Siler', 'Dean',   '000 000-0000', '4 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '00000', 1)
11> GO

(1 rows affected)

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(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
4> Create PROC GetAuthors1
5>   @colnum AS int
6> AS
8>   *
10>   authors
12>   CASE @colnum
13>     WHEN 1 THEN au_id
14>     WHEN 2 THEN au_lname
15>     WHEN 3 THEN au_fname
16>     WHEN 4 THEN phone
17>     WHEN 5 THEN address
18>     WHEN 6 THEN city
19>     WHEN 7 THEN state
20>     WHEN 8 THEN zip
21>     WHEN 9 THEN CAST(contract AS CHAR(1))
22>     ELSE NULL
23>   END
24> GO
3> drop proc GetAuthors1;
4> GO
2> drop table authors;
3> GO

21.13.1.The syntax for declaring parameters
21.13.2.Parameterization: @parameter_name [AS] datatype [= default|NULL] [VARYING] [OUTPUT|OUT]
21.13.3.Procedure with default parameter value
21.13.4.Check parameter value with if statement
21.13.5.Procedure with two parameters
21.13.6.Passing the ORDER BY Column as a Parameter, Using a Column Number
21.13.7.Passing the ORDER BY Column as a Parameter, Using Dynamic Execution
21.13.8.Select using value from parameter
21.13.9.Call procedure with parameter name
21.13.10.Parameter with null default value
21.13.11.Pass column as the parameter
21.13.12.parameters can be passed explicitly by value
21.13.13.stored procedure can be executed with the parameter and assigned value
21.13.14.Wildcards in Parameters
21.13.15.Check value range for input parameter
21.13.16.Code that omits both optional parameters
21.13.17.Code that omits one optional parameter
21.13.18.Code that passes the parameters by position
21.13.19.Code that passes the parameters by name
21.13.20.Stored Procedure with Cursor Parameter