Call two user-defined functions in a select statement : function « Procedure Function « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

6> CREATE TABLE titles(
7>    title_id       varchar(20),
8>    title          varchar(80)       NOT NULL,
9>    type           char(12)          NOT NULL,
10>    pub_id         char(4)               NULL,
11>    price          money                 NULL,
12>    advance        money                 NULL,
13>    royalty        int                   NULL,
14>    ytd_sales      int                   NULL,
15>    notes          varchar(200)          NULL,
16>    pubdate        datetime          NOT NULL
17> )
18> GO
2> insert titles values ('1', 'Secrets',   'popular_comp', '1389', $20.00, $8000.00, 10, 4095,'Note 1','06/12/94')
3> insert titles values ('2', 'The',       'business',     '1389', $19.99, $5000.00, 10, 4095,'Note 2','06/12/91')
4> insert titles values ('3', 'Emotional', 'psychology',   '0736', $7.99,  $4000.00, 10, 3336,'Note 3','06/12/91')
5> insert titles values ('4', 'Prolonged', 'psychology',   '0736', $19.99, $2000.00, 10, 4072,'Note 4','06/12/91')
6> insert titles values ('5', 'With',      'business',     '1389', $11.95, $5000.00, 10, 3876,'Note 5','06/09/91')
7> insert titles values ('6', 'Valley',    'mod_cook',     '0877', $19.99, $0.00,    12, 2032,'Note 6','06/09/91')
8> insert titles values ('7', 'Any?',      'trad_cook',    '0877', $14.99, $8000.00, 10, 4095,'Note 7','06/12/91')
9> insert titles values ('8', 'Fifty',     'trad_cook',    '0877', $11.95, $4000.00, 14, 1509,'Note 8','06/12/91')
10> GO

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
1>    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AveragePrice()
2>    RETURNS money
4>    AS
5>    BEGIN
6>       RETURN (SELECT AVG(Price) FROM dbo.Titles)
7>    END
8>    GO
2>    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.PriceDifference(@Price money)
3>    RETURNS money
4>    AS
5>    BEGIN
6>       RETURN @Price - dbo.AveragePrice()
7>    END
8> GO
1>    SELECT Title,
2>       Price,
3>       dbo.AveragePrice() AS Average,
4>       dbo.PriceDifference(Price) AS Difference
5>    FROM Titles
6>    WHERE Type='popular_comp'
7> GO
Title                                                                            Price                 Average               Difference
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
Secrets                                                                                        20.0000               15.8562                4.1438
Secrets                                                                                        20.0000               15.8562                4.1438
Secrets                                                                                        20.0000               15.8562                4.1438
Secrets                                                                                        20.0000               15.8562                4.1438
Secrets                                                                                        20.0000               15.8562                4.1438
Secrets                                                                                        20.0000               15.8562                4.1438
Secrets                                                                                        20.0000               15.8562                4.1438

(7 rows affected)

21.2.1.The syntax for creating a multi-statement table-valued function
21.2.2.The syntax for creating a scalar-valued function
21.2.3.The syntax for creating a simple table-valued function
21.2.4.The syntax of the ALTER FUNCTION statement for a scalar valued function
21.2.5.The syntax for altering a simple table-valued function
21.2.6.The syntax for altering a multi-statement table-valued function
21.2.7.Call user-defined function in where clause
21.2.8.Call two user-defined functions in a select statement
21.2.10.Multistatement Table-Valued Functions
21.2.11.Pass a declared variable to a function
21.2.12.Return TOP 100 PERCENT WITH TIES from a function
21.2.13.Get the 3 employees with the most RegionPlace
21.2.14.Use function as a view
21.2.15.Create a scalar-valued function that returns the total Billing amount due
21.2.16.Invoke the scalar-valued function
21.2.17.A SELECT statement that uses the function in a join operation
21.2.18.Use function to wrap a long sql statement
21.2.19.Query a table returned from a function