Simple SELECT query that uses a variable for the field to sequence the result set. : Dynamic SQL « Transact SQL « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

6> CREATE TABLE authors(
7>    au_id          varchar(11),
8>    au_lname       varchar(40)       NOT NULL,
9>    au_fname       varchar(20)       NOT NULL,
10>    phone          char(12)          NOT NULL DEFAULT ('UNKNOWN'),
11>    address        varchar(40)           NULL,
12>    city           varchar(20)           NULL,
13>    state          char(2)               NULL,
14>    zip            char(5)               NULL,
15>    contract       bit               NOT NULL
16> )
17> GO
1> insert authors values('1',  'Joe',   'Abra',   '111 111-1111', '6 St.', 'Berkeley',  'CA', '11111', 1)
2> insert authors values('2',  'Jack',  'Majo',   '222 222-2222', '3 St.', 'Oakland' ,  'CA', '22222', 1)
3> insert authors values('3',  'Pink',  'Cherry', '333 333-3333', '5 Ln.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '33333', 1)
4> insert authors values('4',  'Blue',  'Albert', '444 444-4444', '7 Av.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '44444', 1)
5> insert authors values('5',  'Red',   'Anne',   '555 555-5555', '6 Av.', 'Regina',    'SK', '55555', 1)
6> insert authors values('6',  'Black', 'Michel', '666 666-6666', '3 Pl.', 'Regina',    'SK', '66666', 1)
7> insert authors values('7',  'White', 'Sylvia', '777 777-7777', '1 Pl.', 'Rockville', 'MD', '77777', 1)
8> insert authors values('8',  'Yellow','Heather','888 888-8888', '3 Pu',  'Vacaville', 'CA', '88888', 0)
9> insert authors values('9',  'Gold',  'Dep',    '999 999-9999', '5 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '99999', 0)
10> insert authors values('10', 'Siler', 'Dean',   '000 000-0000', '4 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '00000', 1)
11> GO

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
3>     DECLARE @chvOrderBy VARCHAR(30),
5>             @chvSQL VARCHAR(255)
7>     SELECT @chvOrderBy = 'au_lname'
9>     SELECT @chvSQL = 'SELECT * FROM authors ORDER BY ' + @chvOrderBy
11>     EXEC (@chvSQL)
13>     GO
au_id       au_lname                                 au_fname             phone        address                                  city                 state zip   contract
----------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- --------
6           Black                                    Michel               666 666-6666 3 Pl.                                    Regina               SK    66666        1
4           Blue                                     Albert               444 444-4444 7 Av.                                    Vancouver            BC    44444        1
9           Gold                                     Dep                  999 999-9999 5 Av.                                    Oakland              CA    99999        0
2           Jack                                     Majo                 222 222-2222 3 St.                                    Oakland              CA    22222        1
1           Joe                                      Abra                 111 111-1111 6 St.                                    Berkeley             CA    11111        1
3           Pink                                     Cherry               333 333-3333 5 Ln.                                    Vancouver            BC    33333        1
5           Red                                      Anne                 555 555-5555 6 Av.                                    Regina               SK    55555        1
10          Siler                                    Dean                 000 000-0000 4 Av.                                    Oakland              CA    00000        1
7           White                                    Sylvia               777 777-7777 1 Pl.                                    Rockville            MD    77777        1
8           Yellow                                   Heather              888 888-8888 3 Pu                                     Vacaville            CA    88888        0

(10 rows affected)
3> drop table authors;
4> GO

20.18.Dynamic SQL
20.18.1.A stored procedure with dynamic execution.
20.18.2.Simple SELECT query that uses a variable for the field to sequence the result set.
20.18.3.SELECT query with a variable for the table name so that condition determines which table the result set is based on.
20.18.4.Using Stored Procedure to create dynamic sql statement
20.18.5.Change database dynamically
20.18.6.Pass parameters into dynamic sql statement
20.18.7.Build a dynamic sql statement from schema name, table name and column name
20.18.8.create a dynamic sql statement and save it in a varchar type variable