Using the CUBE Operator : CUBE « Analytical Functions « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

CUBE with GROUP BY calculates aggregate function on all records and appends this to the last row

10> CREATE TABLE Classification (
11>      Classif_ID         integer  NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
12>      Classification    varchar(25))
13> GO
2> INSERT into Classification VALUES( 1,"Pop")
3> INSERT into Classification VALUES( 2,"Country")
4> INSERT into Classification VALUES( 3,"Alternative")
5> INSERT into Classification VALUES( 4,"Metal")
6> GO

(1 rows affected)

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(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
4>      CD_ID              integer  NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
5>      CD_Title           varchar(40),
6>      Composer_ID        integer  NOT NULL,
7>      Classif_ID         integer  NOT NULL,
8>      SalesPrice        money,
9>      AverageCost       money)
10> GO
1> INSERT into CD VALUES(2000,"John",100,1,16.99,6.99)
2> INSERT into CD VALUES(2001,"Chicago 16",107,1,14.99,5.99)
3> INSERT into CD VALUES(2002,"Chicago 17",107,1,14.99,5.99)
4> INSERT into CD VALUES(2003,"Chicago 18",107,1,14.99,5.99)
5> INSERT into CD VALUES(2004,"Greatest Hits",107,1,16.99,7.99)
6> INSERT into CD VALUES(2005,"Midnight",101,3,14.99,5.99)
7> INSERT into CD VALUES(2006,"Mode",115,3,14.99,5.99)
8> INSERT into CD VALUES(2007,"Ultra",115,3,15.99,5.99)
9> INSERT into CD VALUES(2008,"Mindcrime",102,4,14.99,5.99)
10> INSERT into CD VALUES(2009,"Empire",102,4,14.99,5.99)
11> INSERT into CD VALUES(2010,"Land",102,4,12.99,4.99)
12> INSERT into CD VALUES(2011,"Night",103,4,11.99,3.99)
13> INSERT into CD VALUES(2012,"Pyromania",103,4,14.99,5.99)
14> INSERT into CD VALUES(2013,"Hysteria",103,4,14.99,5.99)
15> INSERT into CD VALUES(2014,"Hits",103,4,13.99,4.99)
16> INSERT into CD VALUES(2015,"Hits 2",104,2,15.99,6.99)
17> INSERT into CD VALUES(2016,"Greatest",105,2,14.99,5.99)
18> INSERT into CD VALUES(2017,"Hits 3",106,1,13.99,5.99)
19> INSERT into CD VALUES(2018,"Deep",108,1,12.99,2.99)
20> INSERT into CD VALUES(2019,"Turning",109,1,14.99,5.99)
21> INSERT into CD VALUES(2020,"TheHits",109,1,16.99,7.99)
22> INSERT into CD VALUES(2021,"Cars",110,1,9.99,3.99)
23> INSERT into CD VALUES(2022,"Anthology",110,1,25.99,11.99)
24> INSERT into CD VALUES(2023,"City",110,1,14.99,5.99)
25> INSERT into CD VALUES(2024,"Rick",111,1,11.99,2.99)
26> INSERT into CD VALUES(2025,"Live",112,1,19.99,8.99)
27> INSERT into CD VALUES(2026,"Pat",113,1,16.99,6.99)
28> INSERT into CD VALUES(2027,"Big",114,1,14.99,5.99)
29> INSERT into CD VALUES(2028,"Hurting",114,1,11.99,3.99)
30> INSERT into CD VALUES(2029,"Vol 1",116,1,9.99,2.99)
31> INSERT into CD VALUES(2030,"Vol 2",116,1,9.99,2.99)
32> GO

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(1 rows affected)
4> SELECT Classification.Classification,
5>        Count(CD.CD_ID) "Total Offerings"
6> FROM CD,Classification
7> WHERE CD.Classif_ID = Classification.Classif_ID
8> GROUP BY Classification.Classification with CUBE
9> GO
Classification            Total Offerings
------------------------- ---------------
Alternative                             3
Country                                 2
Metal                                   7
Pop                                    19
NULL                                   31

(5 rows affected)
2> drop table Classification;
3> drop table CD;
4> GO

14.2.1.Summarizing Data with CUBE
14.2.2.Using GROUPING with CUBE
14.2.3.Using the CUBE Operator
14.2.4.A summary query that includes a final summary row with 'WITH CUBE'
14.2.5.A summary query that includes a summary row for each set of groups
14.2.6.CUBE performs this rollup for every combination of grouped column values.
14.2.7.Creating the Vbase_cube View to Hide the CUBE Query Complexity