<> ALL with subquery : Subquery « Subquery « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

5> CREATE TABLE authors(
6>    au_id          varchar(11),
7>    au_lname       varchar(40)       NOT NULL,
8>    au_fname       varchar(20)       NOT NULL,
9>    phone          char(12)          NOT NULL DEFAULT ('UNKNOWN'),
10>    address        varchar(40)           NULL,
11>    city           varchar(20)           NULL,
12>    state          char(2)               NULL,
13>    zip            char(5)               NULL,
14>    contract       bit               NOT NULL
15> )
16> GO
1> insert authors values('1',  'Joe',   'Abra',   '111 111-1111', '6 St.', 'Berkeley',  'CA', '11111', 1)
2> insert authors values('2',  'Jack',  'Majo',   '222 222-2222', '3 St.', 'Oakland' ,  'CA', '22222', 1)
3> insert authors values('3',  'Pink',  'Cherry', '333 333-3333', '5 Ln.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '33333', 1)
4> insert authors values('4',  'Blue',  'Albert', '444 444-4444', '7 Av.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '44444', 1)
5> insert authors values('5',  'Red',   'Anne',   '555 555-5555', '6 Av.', 'Regina',    'SK', '55555', 1)
6> insert authors values('6',  'Black', 'Michel', '666 666-6666', '3 Pl.', 'Regina',    'SK', '66666', 1)
7> insert authors values('7',  'White', 'Sylvia', '777 777-7777', '1 Pl.', 'Rockville', 'MD', '77777', 1)
8> insert authors values('8',  'Yellow','Heather','888 888-8888', '3 Pu',  'Vacaville', 'CA', '88888', 0)
9> insert authors values('9',  'Gold',  'Dep',    '999 999-9999', '5 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '99999', 0)
10> insert authors values('10', 'Siler', 'Dean',   '000 000-0000', '4 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '00000', 1)
11> GO

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
3> CREATE TABLE titleauthor(
4>    au_id          varchar(20),
5>    title_id       varchar(20),
6>    au_ord         tinyint               NULL,
7>    royaltyper     int                   NULL
8> )
9> GO
2> insert titleauthor values('1', '2', 1, 60)
3> insert titleauthor values('2', '3', 1, 100)
4> insert titleauthor values('3', '4', 1, 100)
5> insert titleauthor values('4', '5', 1, 100)
6> insert titleauthor values('5', '6', 1, 100)
7> insert titleauthor values('6', '7', 2, 40)
8> insert titleauthor values('7', '8', 1, 100)
9> insert titleauthor values('8', '9', 1, 100)
10> GO

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
4> SELECT 'Author ID'=A.au_id,
5>     'Author'=CONVERT(varchar(20), RTRIM(au_lname) + ', '
6>     + RTRIM(au_fname)), state
7> FROM authors A
8> WHERE A.au_id <> ALL
9>     (SELECT B.au_id FROM titleauthor B)
10> GO
Author ID   Author               state
----------- -------------------- -----
9           Gold, Dep            CA
10          Siler, Dean          CA

(2 rows affected)
3> SELECT 'Author ID'=A.au_id,
4>     'Author'=CONVERT(varchar(20), RTRIM(au_lname) + ', '
5>     + RTRIM(au_fname)), state
6> FROM authors A
7> WHERE A.au_id NOT IN
8>     (SELECT B.au_id FROM titleauthor B)
9> GO
Author ID   Author               state
----------- -------------------- -----
9           Gold, Dep            CA
10          Siler, Dean          CA

(2 rows affected)
3> drop table authors;
4> drop table titleauthor;
5> GO

8.1.1.Building a Nested Subquery
8.1.2.Using Subqueries to Check for the Existence of Matches
8.1.3.Using Subqueries to Check for the Existence of Matches between two tables
8.1.4.Subqueries are SELECT statements that are nested within another T-SQL statement.
8.1.5.Subqueries and Comparison Operators: =
8.1.6.A subquery can be used with other comparison operators: <
8.1.7.Subqueries and IN Operator
8.1.8.A query that uses three subqueries
8.1.9.Doing calculation with subquery
8.1.10.Subqueries can be nested.
8.1.12.Delete with subquery
8.1.13.Join and sub query
8.1.14.Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
8.1.15.subquery with >=
8.1.16.<> ALL with subquery