Local temporary Table : Temporary Table « Table « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

2> CREATE TABLE #config_out
3> (
4>     name_col    varchar(50),
5>     minval      int,
6>     maxval      int,
7>     configval   int,
8>     runval      int
9> )
11> INSERT #config_out
12>     EXEC sp_configure
14> SELECT * FROM #config_out
15> GO

(15 rows affected)
name_col                                           minval      maxval      configval   runval
-------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
allow updates                                                0           1           1           0
clr enabled                                                  0           1           0           0
cross db ownership chaining                                  0           1           0           0
default language                                             0        9999           0           0
max text repl size (B)                                       0  2147483647       65536       65536
nested triggers                                              0           1           1           1
remote access                                                0           1           1           1
remote admin connections                                     0           1           0           0
remote login timeout (s)                                     0  2147483647          20          20
remote proc trans                                            0           1           0           0
remote query timeout (s)                                     0  2147483647         600         600
server trigger recursion                                     0           1           1           1
show advanced options                                        0           1           0           0
user instances enabled                                       0           1           1           1
user options                                                 0       32767           0           0

(15 rows affected)

3.7.Temporary Table
3.7.1.Temporary Tables
3.7.2.Local temporary Table
3.7.3.Using a Temporary Table to Communicate with an EXEC()
3.7.4.A script that creates a global temporary table of random numbers
3.7.5.A script that uses a local temporary table instead of a derived table
3.7.6.SELECT INTO a temporary table
3.7.7.Creating a Table with Duplicate Rows
3.7.8.A global temporary table's name begins with ##.
3.7.9.Creating a Local Temporary Table with a SELECT INTO