The Life of a Thread : Thread Creation « Thread « SCJP

Thread objects have four basic states: new (ready), runnable, blocked, and dead. 

The transitions from new(ready) to runnable and from runnable to dead are simple and permanent.

When a Thread exits the run method, it becomes a dead Thread. 
This may occur because of a normal return from the run method or from an exception that is not caught. 

A dead Thread cannot be restarted.

7.1.Thread Creation
7.1.1.The simplest way to define code to run in a separate thread is to
7.1.2.A summary of methods used with Threads.
7.1.3.The Life of a Thread
7.1.4.Create Thread method 1: subclass the Thread class and implement the run() method.
7.1.5.Create a Thread method 2: implements Runnable interface
7.1.6.Creating Threads: Subclassing the Thread Class
7.1.7.Creating Thread: Implementing Runnable