Assertions give you a way to test your assumptions during development and debugging. : assert « Statements « SCJP

Assertions are typically enabled during testing but disabled during deployment.

Assertions are disabled at runtime by default. 
To enable them, use a command-line flag -ea or -enableassertions.

Selectively disable assertions by using the -da or -disableassertions flag.

You can enable and disable assertions on a class-by-class basis, using the following syntax:

java -ea -da:MyClass TestClass

5.13.1.Assertions give you a way to test your assumptions during development and debugging.
5.13.2.The new assert keyword has the following syntax
5.13.3.Assertion Command-Line Switches
5.13.4.Do Use Assertions to Validate Arguments to a Private Method
5.13.5.Use Assertions to Check for unreachable code