Shift Operator Summary : Bitwise Operators « Operators « SCJP

The shift operators, >>, >>>, and << work with integer primitives only; 
The >> right shift extends the sign so a negative number stays negative
The >>> operator shifts in zero bits, creating a positive number. 
The << left shift always shifts in zero bits at the least significant position.

Operator        Example         Result
<<              3 << 2          12

>>              -6 >> 2         -2

>>>             -6 >>> 2        1073741822

public class MainClass{
    public static void main(String[] argv){
        System.out.println(3 << 2);
        System.out.println(-6 >> 2);    
        System.out.println(-6 >>> 2);    

2.3.Bitwise Operators
2.3.1.Bitwise Operator Summary
2.3.2.Shift Operator Summary
2.3.3.The Bitwise Inversion Operator ~ performs bitwise inversion on integral types.
2.3.4.The Boolean Complement Operator ! inverts the value of a boolean expression.
2.3.5.The bitwise operator & provides bitwise AND
2.3.6.The bitwise operator ^ provides eXclusive-OR (XOR)
2.3.7.The bitwise operator | provides OR operations
2.3.8.Here is an example of the use of the & operator:
2.3.9.Java method to perform various bitwise operations on two integers and display the results