Characters are just 16-bit unsigned integers. : char « Java Source And Data Type « SCJP

you can assign a number literal, assuming it will fit into the unsigned 16-bit range (65535 or less). 

public class MainClass{
    public static void main(String[] argv){
        char a = 0x892;        // hexadecimal literal
        char b = 982;          // int literal
        char c = (char)70000;  // The cast is required; 70000 is
                               // out of char range
        char d = (char) -98;   // Ridiculous, but legal


1.10.1.A char literal is represented by a single character in single quotes.
1.10.2.Java characters are 16-bit Unicode characters.
1.10.3.Type in the Unicode value of the character, using the Unicode notation of prefixing the value with \u
1.10.4.Characters are just 16-bit unsigned integers.
1.10.5.Not legal assignment for char literal
1.10.6.Use an escape code if you want to represent a character that can't be typed in as a literal,
1.10.7.A few escape sequences for denoting special characters: