Demonstrates get method with an XHTML form : form « CGI Web « Python Tutorial


import cgi

def printHeader( title ):
   print """Content-type: text/html

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>    
<html xmlns = "">
<body>""" % title
printHeader( "Using 'get' with forms" )
print """<p>Enter one of your favorite words here:<br /></paragraph>
   <form method = "get" action = "">
      <input type = "text" name = "word" />
      <input type = "submit" value = "Submit word" />

pairs = cgi.parse()

if pairs.has_key( "word" ):
   print """<paragraph>Your word is: 
      <span style = "font-weight: bold">%s</span></paragraoh>""" % cgi.escape( pairs[ "word" ][ 0 ] )

print "</body></html>"

22.3.1.A Simple Form
22.3.2.Creating Self-Posting CGI Scripts
22.3.3.Static Form Web Page (friends.htm)
22.3.4.Demonstrates get method with an XHTML form
22.3.5.Demonstrates post method with an XHTML form
22.3.6.Demonstrates use of cgi.FieldStorage with an XHTML form
22.3.7.List form data
22.3.8.Login form
22.3.9.Receiving Data from an HTML File