Creating an HTTP Server to Process CGI Scripts : Web Server « Network « Python Tutorial

import os
import BaseHTTPServer, CGIHTTPServer

serverAddr = ("", 80)


serv = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(serverAddr, CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler)


21.22.Web Server
21.22.1.Creating an HTTP Server to Handle GET Requests
21.22.2.After you have created an instance of the web server, start the web server by calling its serve_forever() function.
21.22.3.Once you have created an instance of the web server, start the web server by calling its serve_forever() function.
21.22.4.Creating an HTTP Server to Process CGI Scripts
21.22.5.Simple Web Server
21.22.6.Basic HTTP Server Example
21.22.7.Basic HTTP CGI Server Example with forking
21.22.8.Basic HTTP Server Example with threading