Add Label and Entry by using table layout : Label « Tkinker « Python Tutorial

Add Label and Entry by using table layout
from Tkinter import *
colors = ['red', 'green', 'orange', 'white', 'yellow', 'blue']
r = 0
for c in colors:
    Label(text=c, relief=RIDGE,  width=25).grid(row=r, column=0)
    Entry(bg=c,   relief=SUNKEN, width=50).grid(row=r, column=1)
    r = r+1

18.17.1.Import only Label from Tkinter libraryImport only Label from Tkinter library
18.17.2.Import all from TkinterImport all from Tkinter
18.17.3.Label Widget DemoLabel Widget Demo
18.17.4.Creating a LabelCreating a Label
18.17.5.Config Label for its background, font and sizeConfig Label for its background, font and size
18.17.6.Add Label and Entry by using table layoutAdd Label and Entry by using table layout
18.17.7.Label demonstration.Label demonstration.
18.17.8.Demonstrates a labelDemonstrates a label
18.17.9.Creating a Class to Handle User InterfacesCreating a Class to Handle User Interfaces