Reading and printing a file. : readline « File « Python Tutorial

import sys

# open file
   file = open( "test.txt", "r" )
except IOError:
   print >> sys.stderr, "File could not be opened"
   sys.exit( 1 )
records = file.readlines()   # retrieve list of lines in file

print "Account".ljust( 10 ),
print "Name".ljust( 10 ),
print "Balance".rjust( 10 )

for record in records:          # format each line
   fields = record.split()
   print fields[ 0 ].ljust( 10 ),
   print fields[ 1 ].ljust( 10 ),
   print fields[ 2 ].rjust( 10 )


12.11.readline line by line
12.11.2.Reading and printing a file.