Numeric Type Arithmetic Operators : Arithmetic Operators « Operator « Python Tutorial

# expr1 ** expr2           expr1 raised to the power of expr2[a]
# +expr  (unary)            expr sign unchanged
# -expr  (unary)            negation of expr
# expr1 ** expr2           expr1 raised to the power of expr2[a]
# expr1 * expr2             expr1 times expr2
# expr1 / expr2             expr1 divided by expr2 (classic or true division)
# expr1 // expr2           expr1 divided by expr2 (floor division [only])
# expr1 % expr2             expr1 modulo expr2
# expr1 + expr2             expr1 plus expr2
# expr1 - expr2             expr1 minus expr2

# Here are a few more examples of Python's numeric operators:

print -442 - 77
print 4 ** 3
print 4.2 ** 3.2
print 8 / 3
print 8.0 / 3.0
print 8 % 3
print (60. - 32.) * ( 5. / 9. )
print 14 * 0x04
print 0170 / 4
print 0x80 + 0777
print 45L * 22L
print 16399L + 0xA94E8L
print -2147483648L - 52147483648L
print 64.375+1j + 4.23-8.5j
print 0+1j ** 2          # same as 0+(lj**2)
print 1+1j ** 2          # same as 1+(lj**2)
print (1+1j) ** 2

4.1.Arithmetic Operators
4.1.1.Numeric Type Arithmetic Operators