Facade Pattern Demo : Facade Pattern « Design Pattern « Java Tutorial

class A {
  public A(int x) {

class B {
  public B(long x) {

class C {
  public C(double x) {

public class Facade {
  static A makeA(int x) {
    return new A(x);

  static B makeB(long x) {
    return new B(x);

  static C makeC(double x) {
    return new C(x);

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    // The client programmer gets the objects by calling the static methods:
    A a = Facade.makeA(1);
    B b = Facade.makeB(1);
    C c = Facade.makeC(1.0);

34.11.Facade Pattern
34.11.1.Facade Pattern Demo
34.11.2.Facade pattern demo 2