Combine If Chooser to Report Exception : Choose « JSTL « Java Tutorial

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

  int i= (int) (Math.random() * 10);
  pageContext.setAttribute("signalStrength", new Integer(i), PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);

    <title>The c:catch action</title>
    <c:if test="${pageScope.signalStrength < 5}">
      <c:set var="signalFailure" value="true" scope="page" />

      <c:when test="${pageScope.signalFailure == true}">
        Refresh the page in your web browser to try again.
        <h3>No Exception.</h3>
        Refresh the page in your web browser to make another call.
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24.5.1.Tag Examples - choose
24.5.2.Combine If Chooser to Report Exception
24.5.3.Choose XML Data with Comparision
24.5.4.Choose When Statement
24.5.5.Choose When and Otherwise