String theSharedObject = "JSP is cool";
application.setAttribute("message", theSharedObject);
<TITLE>Application Object - Page 1</TITLE>
This page sets data that can be retrieved by other pages in the application.<P>
Click <a href="application_page2.jsp">here</a> to see this in action.
// getAttribute() returns a java.lang.Object, so need to cast
String theSharedObject = (String) application.getAttribute("message");
<TITLE>Application Object - Page 2</TITLE>
This page retrieves the message that was stored in the <i>application</i> object by another page.
The message is <b><%= theSharedObject %></b>
Download: 939 k)23.56.Application |
| 23.56.1. | Set/Get Variable in Application in JSP |  |