Using the ij Tool : Java DB Derby « Database « Java Tutorial

The ij tool enables you to connect to a running JavaDB server and execute scripts and queries against a database.

The command to use the ij tool is:

java jar derbyrun.jar ij

Commands of the ij Tool

DriverLoads the specified JDBC driver.
ProtocolSets the specified protocol to use for connecting to a database.
ConnectEstablishes a connection with a database.
Set ConnectionSwitches from the existing connection to a different connection specified with a connection name.
Show ConnectionsLists all active connections.
DisconnectDisconnects the current connection, a connection specified by a connection name, or all active connections.
Show SchemasLists all schemas present in the current database.
Show TablesLists all tables present in the current database.
Show ViewsLists all views present in the current database.
Show ProceduresLists all stored procedures present in the current database.
Show IndexesLists all indexes present in a specified table.
DescribeDisplays information about columns, such as column name and data type, for a specified table.
CommitCommits the current transaction.
RollbackRolls back the current transaction.

20.37.Java DB Derby
20.37.1.New to Java 6 is a lightweight database called Derby.
20.37.2.The JavaDB Directory Structure
20.37.3.The JavaDB Environments
20.37.4.JavaDB Drivers
20.37.5.JavaDB URLs
20.37.6.JavaDB Tools
20.37.7.You can use the server tool to start JavaDB in a network client environment.
20.37.8.Ping JavaDB.
20.37.9.To view run time information for JavaDB, you can use the following command:
20.37.10.To stop JavaDB, you can use the following command:
20.37.11.Using the ij Tool
20.37.12.You can use the connect command of ij to establish a connection with a database
20.37.13.Viewing and Switching Connections
20.37.14.Working with Tables
20.37.15.To view the structure of the Employee table
20.37.16.Using the sysinfo Tool
20.37.17.Connect to Java DB (Derby) with org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
20.37.18.Connect to Derby database
20.37.19.The SQL script for creating the Employee Table