Make a URL from the given string : URL « Network « Java Tutorial

import java.util.Map;

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  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
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public class Main{

   * Make a URL from the given string.
   * <p>
   * If the string is a properly formatted file URL, then the file
   * portion will be made canonical.
   * <p>
   * If the string is an invalid URL then it will be converted into a
   * file URL.
   * @param urlspec           The string to construct a URL for.
   * @param relativePrefix    The string to prepend to relative file
   *                          paths, or null to disable prepending.
   * @return                  A URL for the given string.
   * @throws MalformedURLException  Could not make a URL for the given string.
  public static URL toURL(String urlspec, final String relativePrefix) throws MalformedURLException
     urlspec = urlspec.trim();

     URL url;

        url = new URL(urlspec);
        if (url.getProtocol().equals("file"))
           url = makeURLFromFilespec(url.getFile(), relativePrefix);
     catch (Exception e)
        // make sure we have a absolute & canonical file url
           url = makeURLFromFilespec(urlspec, relativePrefix);
        catch (IOException n)
           // jason: or should we rethrow e?
           throw new MalformedURLException(n.toString());

     return url;

  public static URI toURI(String urispec, final String relativePrefix)
     throws URISyntaxException
     urispec = urispec.trim();

     URI uri;

     if( urispec.startsWith("file:") )
        uri = makeURIFromFilespec(urispec.substring(5), relativePrefix);
        uri = new URI(urispec);

     return uri;

  /** A helper to make a URL from a filespec. */
  private static URL makeURLFromFilespec(final String filespec, final String relativePrefix)
     throws IOException
     // make sure the file is absolute & canonical file url
     File file = new File(decode(filespec));
     // if we have a prefix and the file is not abs then prepend
     if (relativePrefix != null && !file.isAbsolute())
        file = new File(relativePrefix, filespec);
     // make sure it is canonical (no ../ and such)
     file = file.getCanonicalFile();

     return file.toURI().toURL();
  private static String decode(String filespec)
        return URLDecoder.decode(filespec, "UTF-8");
     catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
        throw new RuntimeException("Error decoding filespec: " + filespec, e);
  private static URI makeURIFromFilespec(final String filespec, final String relativePrefix)
     // make sure the file is absolute & canonical file url
     File file = new File(decode(filespec));
     // if we have a prefix and the file is not abs then prepend
     if (relativePrefix != null && !file.isAbsolute())
        file = new File(relativePrefix, filespec);
     return file.toURI();

   * Make a URL from the given string.
   * @see #toURL(String,String)
   * @param urlspec    The string to construct a URL for.
   * @return           A URL for the given string.
   * @throws MalformedURLException  Could not make a URL for the given string.
  public static URL toURL(final String urlspec) throws MalformedURLException
     return toURL(urlspec, null);

   * @param urispec
   * @return the uri
   * @throws URISyntaxException for any error
  public static URI toURI(final String urispec)
     throws URISyntaxException
     return toURI(urispec, null);


19.2.1.Creating a URL With components
19.2.2.Creating a URL with a single string.
19.2.3.Create a URL that refers to a jar file in the file system
19.2.4.Create a URL that refers to an entry in the jar file
19.2.6.A class that displays information about a URL
19.2.8.Parsing a URL
19.2.9.Eliminate Query
19.2.10.Parse Host
19.2.11.Parse Port
19.2.12.Make a URL from the given string
19.2.13.Create BufferedInputStream from URL
19.2.14.Utility to convert File to URL.
19.2.15.Read from URL
19.2.16.Get Content from a URL
19.2.17.Save binary file from URL
19.2.18.Reading A Web Resource: Opening a URL's stream
19.2.19.Relative URL
19.2.20.Resolve a relative URL
19.2.21.Build query string for URL
19.2.22.URL Equality
19.2.23.URL Splitter URL('')
19.2.25.Getting Text from a URL
19.2.26.Getting an Image from a URL
19.2.27.Getting a Jar File Using a URL
19.2.28.File size from URL
19.2.29.Returns true if the URL represents a path, and false otherwise.
19.2.30.Locating files by path or URL
19.2.31.provides a simple interface for assembling GET URLs
19.2.32.Add Parameter to URL
19.2.33.Extracts the base URL from the given URL by stripping the query and anchor part.
19.2.34.Returns the anchor value of the given URL