Configure the layout orientation: HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL : FillLayout « SWT « Java Tutorial

The possible values for type: SWT.HORIZONTAL, SWT.VERTICAL

SWT.HORIZONTAL: lays the controls in a single row SWT.VERTICAL: lays the controls in a single column.

Configure the layout orientation: HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;

public class FillLayoutHorizontal {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Display display = new Display();
    Shell shell = new Shell(display);
    shell.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.HORIZONTAL));
    new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH).setText("one");
    new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH).setText("two");
    new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH).setText("three");;
    while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
      if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {
Configure the layout orientation: HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;

public class FillLayoutVERTICAL {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Display display = new Display();
    Shell shell = new Shell(display);
    shell.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.VERTICAL));
    new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH).setText("one");
    new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH).setText("two");
    new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH).setText("three");;
    while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
      if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {

17.95.1.Using FillLayout
17.95.2.Configure the layout orientation: HORIZONTAL and VERTICALConfigure the layout orientation: HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL
17.95.3.Define the margins and spacing propertiesDefine the margins and spacing properties
17.95.4.Set spacing propertiesSet spacing properties