Display unicode text : Draw Text « 2D Graphics « Java Tutorial

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class RussiaUnicode extends JPanel {
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
    g2d.drawString("\u0424\u0451\u0434\u043e\u0440.", 20, 30);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Unicode");
    frame.add(new RussiaUnicode());
    frame.setSize(520, 220);

16.20.Draw Text
16.20.1.How do I...Draw text?How do I...Draw text?
16.20.2.Getting the Dimensions of Text
16.20.3.draw Bytes
16.20.4.Draw CharsDraw Chars
16.20.5.Draw unicode with Graphics2D
16.20.6.use Text Attributes to style text
16.20.7.Drawing Simple Text
16.20.8.Drawing Rotated Text
16.20.9.Draw string rotated clockwise 45 degrees
16.20.10.Draw string rotated counter-clockwise 45 degrees
16.20.11.TextAttribute.FONT: Set font for AttributedString
16.20.12.TextAttribute.FOREGROUND: Set color for AttributedString
16.20.13.TextAttribute.UNDERLINE: Set underline for AttributedString
16.20.14.TextAttribute.BACKGROUND: Set background for AttributedString
16.20.15.TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH: Set STRIKETHROUGH for AttributedString
16.20.16.TextAttribute.SIZE: Set SIZE for AttributedString
16.20.17.TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT: Set SUPERSCRIPT for AttributedString
16.20.18.Center text based on font metrics
16.20.19.Create a shadowed text
16.20.20.Display underlined text
16.20.21.Display vertical text
16.20.22.Use AffineTransform to draw vertical text
16.20.23.Display unicode text
16.20.24.Display some lyrics on the panel.
16.20.25.Paint a calendar
16.20.26.Generate Shape From Text