Creating a Shape Using Lines and Curves : Shape « 2D Graphics « Java Tutorial

import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;

public class BasicShapes {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GeneralPath shape = new GeneralPath();
    shape.moveTo(1, 1);
    shape.lineTo(2, 2);
    shape.quadTo(3, 3, 4, 4);
    shape.curveTo(5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7);

16.17.1.Creating Basic Shapes
16.17.2.Creating a Shape Using Lines and Curves
16.17.3.Combining Shapes
16.17.4.Scaling a Shape
16.17.5.Shearing a Shape
16.17.6.Translating a Shape
16.17.7.Rotating a Shape
16.17.8.Add Round Rectangle, Ellipse Arc to a shapeAdd Round Rectangle, Ellipse Arc to a shape
16.17.10.Resize a shape
16.17.11.Creates a diagonal cross shape.
16.17.12.Creates a diamond shape.
16.17.13.Creates a triangle shape that points downwards.
16.17.14.Creates a triangle shape that points upwards.
16.17.15.Draws a shape with the specified rotation about (x, y).
16.17.16.Creates and returns a translated shape.