Creating Menuitem from Action class : JMenuItem « Swing « Java Tutorial

The mnemonic for a menu item usually appears underlined within the text label for the menu

Creating Menuitem from Action class
class ShowAction extends AbstractAction {
  Component parentComponent;

  public ShowAction(Component parentComponent) {
    putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_A));
    this.parentComponent = parentComponent;

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parentComponent, "About Swing", "About Box V2.0",

public class ContructMenuWithAction {
  public static void main(final String args[]) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("MenuSample Example");
    JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();

    // File Menu, F - Mnemonic
    JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");

    // File->New, N - Mnemonic
    JMenuItem newMenuItem = new JMenuItem(new ShowAction(frame));

    frame.setSize(350, 250);

14.23.1.Creating JMenuItem Components
14.23.2.Creating Menuitem from Action classCreating Menuitem from Action class
14.23.3.Adding Drop-Down MenusAdding Drop-Down Menus
14.23.4.Disable MenuitemDisable Menuitem
14.23.5.Adding Mnemonic and Accelerator to MenuitemAdding Mnemonic and Accelerator to Menuitem
14.23.6.Using Function key as Accelerator
14.23.7.Listening to JMenuItem Events with an ActionListenerListening to JMenuItem Events with an ActionListener
14.23.8.Listening to JMenuItem Events with a MenuDragMouseListenerListening to JMenuItem Events with a MenuDragMouseListener
14.23.9.Listening to JMenuItem Events with a MenuKeyListenerListening to JMenuItem Events with a MenuKeyListener
14.23.10.Separating Menu Items in a Menu
14.23.11.Creating an About Menu ItemCreating an About Menu Item
14.23.12.Creating a Menu Item That Listens for Changes to Its Selection Status
14.23.13.Customizing JMenuItem Look and Feel