An icon for painting a square swatch of a specified Color. : Icon « Swing « Java Tutorial

 *  2007-03-03

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Graphics;

import javax.swing.Icon;

 * An icon for painting a square swatch of a specified Color.
 * @author Christopher Bach
public class ColorSwatch implements Icon {

  private Color ourSwatchColor = Color.white;

  private Color ourBorderColor =;

  private boolean ourBorderPainted = true;

  private boolean ourSwatchIsMultiColor = false;

  private boolean ourSwatchIsVoid = false;

  private int ourSwatchSize = 14;

   * Creates a standard 14 x 14 swatch with a black border and white background.
  public ColorSwatch() {


   * Creates a swatch of the specified size with a black border and white
   * background.
  public ColorSwatch(int size) {

   * Creates a swatch of the specified size with a black border and white
   * background and determines whether or n not the border should be painted.
  public ColorSwatch(int size, boolean borderPainted) {

  public ColorSwatch(Color color) {

  public ColorSwatch(int size, Color color) {

  public ColorSwatch(int size, Color color, Color borderColor) {

   * Sets the size of this swatch.
  public void setSwatchSize(int size) {
    if (size > 0)
      ourSwatchSize = size;
      ourSwatchSize = 14;

   * Returns the size of this swatch.
  public int getSwatchSize() {
    return ourSwatchSize;

   * Determines whether or not this swatch's border should be painted.
  public void setBorderPainted(boolean borderPainted) {
    ourBorderPainted = borderPainted;

   * Returns whether or not this swatch's border is painted.
  public boolean isBorderPainted() {
    return ourBorderPainted;

   * Sets the color of this swatch's border.
  public void setBorderColor(Color color) {
    ourBorderColor = color;

   * Returns the color of this swatch's border.
  public Color getBorderColor() {
    return ourBorderColor;

   * Sets the color that this swatch represents.
  public void setColor(Color color) {
    ourSwatchIsMultiColor = false;
    ourSwatchColor = color;

   * Returns the color that this swatch represents.
  public Color getColor() {
    return ourSwatchColor;

   * Sets this swatch to represent more than one color.
  public void setMultiColor() {
    ourSwatchIsMultiColor = true;

   * Returns whether or not this swatch represents more than one color.
  public boolean isMultiColor() {
    return ourSwatchIsMultiColor;

   * Determines whether or not this swatch is void. If the swatch is void, it
   * will not be painted at all.
  public void setVoid(boolean isVoid) {
    // When true, this icon will not be painted at all.
    ourSwatchIsVoid = isVoid;

   * Returns whether this swatch is void. If the swatch is void, it will not be
   * painted at all.
  public boolean isVoid() {
    return ourSwatchIsVoid;

  // // Icon implementation ////

   * Returns the width of this Icon.
  public int getIconWidth() {
    return ourSwatchSize;

   * Returns the height of this Icon.
  public int getIconHeight() {
    return ourSwatchSize;

   * Paints this Icon into the provided graphics context.
  public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
    if (ourSwatchIsVoid)

    Color oldColor = g.getColor();

    if (ourSwatchIsMultiColor) {
      g.fillRect(x, y, ourSwatchSize, ourSwatchSize);
      for (int i = 0; i < ourSwatchSize; i += 2) {
        g.drawLine(x + i, y, x + i, y + ourSwatchSize);

    else if (ourSwatchColor != null) {
      g.fillRect(x, y, ourSwatchSize, ourSwatchSize);

    else {
      g.fillRect(x, y, ourSwatchSize, ourSwatchSize);
      g.drawLine(x, y, x + ourSwatchSize, y + ourSwatchSize);
      g.drawLine(x, y + ourSwatchSize, x + ourSwatchSize, y);

    if (ourBorderPainted) {
      g.drawRect(x, y, ourSwatchSize, ourSwatchSize);



14.116.1.Creating an Icon(implement Icon interface)
14.116.2.State-Aware Icon DefinitionState-Aware Icon Definition
14.116.3.implements Icon, SwingConstants
14.116.4.Demonstrate the loading of image files into icons for use in a Swing user interface
14.116.5.An empty icon with arbitrary width and height.
14.116.6.An icon for painting a square swatch of a specified Color.
14.116.7.Arrow Icon
14.116.8.Creates a transparent icon.
14.116.9.Layered Icon