The CSVQuoter is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format. : CSV « File « Java Tutorial

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 * (C) Copyright 2001-2007, by Object Refinery Ltd, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.

 * The <code>CSVQuoter</code> is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file
 * format.
 * @author Thomas Morgner.
public class CSVQuoter
   * The separator used in the CSV file.
  private char separator;
   * The quoting character or a single quote.
  private char quate;
   * The double quote. This is a string containing the quate two times.
  private String doubleQuate;

   * Creates a new CSVQuoter, which uses a comma as the default separator.
  public CSVQuoter ()
    this(',', '"');

   * Creates a new <code>CSVQuoter</code>, which uses the defined separator.
   * @param separator the separator.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the given separator is <code>null</code>.
  public CSVQuoter (final char separator)
    this(separator,  '"');

   * Creates a new CSVQuoter with the given separator and quoting character.
   * @param separator the separator
   * @param quate the quoting character
  public CSVQuoter (final char separator, final char quate)
    this.separator = separator;
    this.quate = quate;
    this.doubleQuate = String.valueOf(quate) + quate;

   * Encodes the string, so that the string can safely be used in CSV files. If the string
   * does not need quoting, the original string is returned unchanged.
   * @param original the unquoted string.
   * @return The quoted string
  public String doQuoting (final String original)
    if (isQuotingNeeded(original))
      final StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer();
      applyQuote(retval, original);
      return retval.toString();
      return original;

   * Decodes the string, so that all escape sequences get removed. If the string was not
   * quoted, then the string is returned unchanged.
   * @param nativeString the quoted string.
   * @return The unquoted string.
  public String undoQuoting (final String nativeString)
    if (isQuotingNeeded(nativeString))
      final StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(nativeString.length());
      final int length = nativeString.length() - 1;
      int start = 1;

      int pos = start;
      while (pos != -1)
        pos = nativeString.indexOf(doubleQuate, start);
        if (pos == -1)
          b.append(nativeString.substring(start, length));
          b.append(nativeString.substring(start, pos));
          start = pos + 1;
      return b.toString();
      return nativeString;

   * Tests, whether this string needs to be quoted. A string is encoded if the string
   * contains a newline character, a quote character or the defined separator.
   * @param str the string that should be tested.
   * @return true, if quoting needs to be applied, false otherwise.
  private boolean isQuotingNeeded (final String str)
    if (str.indexOf(separator) != -1)
      return true;
    if (str.indexOf('\n') != -1)
      return true;
    if (str.indexOf(quate, 1) != -1)
      return true;
    return false;

   * Applies the quoting to a given string, and stores the result in the StringBuffer
   * <code>b</code>.
   * @param b        the result buffer
   * @param original the string, that should be quoted.
  private void applyQuote (final StringBuffer b, final String original)
    // This solution needs improvements. Copy blocks instead of single
    // characters.
    final int length = original.length();

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      final char c = original.charAt(i);
      if (c == quate)

   * Gets the separator used in this quoter and the CSV file.
   * @return the separator (never <code>null</code>).
  public char getSeparator ()
    return separator;

   * Returns the quoting character.
   * @return the quote character.
  public char getQuate ()
    return quate;

11.75.1.CVS reader
11.75.2.Helper class to write table data to a csv-file (comma separated values).
11.75.3.Builds a bracketed CSV list from the array
11.75.4.Builds a CSV list from the specified String[], separator string and quote string
11.75.5.Builds a CSV list from the specified two dimensional String[][], separator string and quote string.
11.75.6.The csv tokenizer class allows an application to break a Comma Separated Value format into tokens.
11.75.7.The CSVQuoter is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format.