Recursively search a directory tree : Directory « File « Java Tutorial

 * Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


 * Recursively search a directory tree, for each File found in it, call
 * FileFinderListener.proceedFile. A filter can be set prior calling this
 * method.
 * @author (Yohann Coppel)
public class FileLister {

   * Base directory to explore.
  private File classPath;

   * File listener for callbacks.
  private FileListerListener listener;

   * @param classPath
   *          path to the classFile (usually top level package as com in
  public FileLister(File classPath, FileListerListener depmk) {
    this.classPath = classPath;
    this.listener = depmk;

   * begin the search of class files in the classPath given to the constructor.
  public void start() {
    for (File f : classPath.listFiles()) {

   * operate a recursive depth first search in the directory. If file is a
   * directory, recursively search into for files. For each file found, check if
   * it passes the filter of DepMaker, and if yes, call proceedFile with the
   * file.
   * @param file
   *          File where to start the dfsFileSearch
  private void dfsFileSearch(File file) {
    boolean dirMatches = listener.directoryFilter(file.getPath());

    if (file.isDirectory()) {
      // call callback for entering the directory only if the directory matches
      if (dirMatches) {
        listener.enterDirectory(file.getPath().replaceFirst(classPath.getPath(), ""));
      // look inside of the directory anyway (maybe sub directories matches...
      for (File f : file.listFiles()) {
      // get out of the directory, callback.
      if (dirMatches) {
        listener.outDirectory(file.getPath().replaceFirst(classPath.getPath(), ""));
    } else { // dir.isFile() == true
      if (listener.fileFilter(file.getPath()) && dirMatches) {
        try {
          listener.proceedFile(new FileInputStream(file), file.getPath().replaceFirst(
              classPath.getPath(), ""));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          // should not happen, cause we just seen it on the hard drive...
          // but who knows...

 * Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

 * Listener for callbacks when directories and files are found when exploring a
 * directory, or a jar file for example.
 * @author (Yohann Coppel)
interface FileListerListener {

   * Filter to apply to (normal - i.e not a directory) files found in the
   * directory. May be a simple filename check as "end with .class"
   * @param name
   *          filename
   * @return true if the filename pass the filter, and that proceedFile should
   *         be called on this file later
  public boolean fileFilter(String name);

   * Filter to apply to directories. If this methods return false,
   * subdirectories should not be traversed. May be a simple directory path
   * check as "start with 'directoryfilter'"
   * @param name
   *          filename to check
   * @return true if the directory can contain interresting files.
  public boolean directoryFilter(String name);

   * method called when a file passing the fileFilter test is found.
   * @param f
   *          file found.
  public void proceedFile(InputStream f, String name);

   * called when entering in the given directory
   * @param directoryPath
  public void enterDirectory(String directoryPath);

   * called when we step out from the given directory
   * @param directoryPath
  public void outDirectory(String directoryPath);

   * callback called at the begining of the processing
  public void startProcessing();

   * callback called at the end of the processing
  public void endOfProcessing();


11.4.1.Create a directory (or several directories)
11.4.2.Create directory
11.4.3.Create directory along with required nonexistent parent directories
11.4.4.Create a directory; all ancestor directories must exist
11.4.5.Create a directory; all non-existent ancestor directories are automatically created
11.4.6.Create a directories recursively
11.4.7.Creates a new and empty directory in the default temp directory using the given prefix.
11.4.8.Determine File or Directory
11.4.9.Deleting a Directory (an empty directory)
11.4.10.Determine if file or directory exists
11.4.11.Determine if File or Directory is hidden
11.4.12.If a file or directory readable
11.4.13.Get name of parent directory
11.4.14.Get name of specified file or directory
11.4.15.Get parent directory as a File object
11.4.16.Get the content of a directory
11.4.17.Checks, whether the child directory is a subdirectory of the base directory.
11.4.18.Delete file or directory
11.4.19.Delete directory recursively
11.4.20.Delete file or directory when virtual machine terminates
11.4.21.Calculate directory size
11.4.22.Change last modified time of a file or directory
11.4.23.Mark file or directory Read Only
11.4.24.Rename file or directory
11.4.25.Moving a File or Directory to Another Directory
11.4.26.Search for files recursively
11.4.27.Traversing all files and directories under dir
11.4.28.Traversing only directories under dir
11.4.29.Traversing only files under dir
11.4.30.Copying a Directory
11.4.31.Check if a directory is not empty
11.4.32.Getting the Current Working Directory
11.4.33.Get all files and folders under a certain folder and save them to a set
11.4.34.Recursively search a directory tree
11.4.35.Searches through the directory tree