An InputStream class that terminates the stream when it encounters a particular byte sequence. : InputStream « File « Java Tutorial

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 * An InputStream class that terminates the stream when it encounters a
 * particular byte sequence.
 * @version 1.0.0, 24/04/1999
public class CharTerminatedInputStream
    extends InputStream {

     * The wrapped input stream
    private InputStream in;

     * The terminating character array
    private int match[];

     * An array containing the last N characters read from the stream, where
     * N is the length of the terminating character array
    private int buffer[];

     * The number of bytes that have been read that have not been placed
     * in the internal buffer.
    private int pos = 0;

     * Whether the terminating sequence has been read from the stream
    private boolean endFound = false;

     * A constructor for this object that takes a stream to be wrapped
     * and a terminating character sequence.
     * @param in the <code>InputStream</code> to be wrapped
     * @param terminator the array of characters that will terminate the stream.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the terminator array is null or empty
    public CharTerminatedInputStream(InputStream in, char[] terminator) {
        if (terminator == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The terminating character array cannot be null.");
        if (terminator.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The terminating character array cannot be of zero length.");
        match = new int[terminator.length];
        buffer = new int[terminator.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < terminator.length; i++) {
            match[i] = (int)terminator[i];
            buffer[i] = (int)terminator[i];
        } = in;

     * Read a byte off this stream.
     * @return the byte read off the stream
     * @throws IOException if an IOException is encountered while reading off the stream
     * @throws ProtocolException if the underlying stream returns -1 before the terminator is seen.
    public int read() throws IOException {
        if (endFound) {
            //We've found the match to the terminator
            return -1;
        if (pos == 0) {
            //We have no data... read in a record
            int b =;
            if (b == -1) {
                //End of stream reached without seeing the terminator
                throw new"pre-mature end of data");
            if (b != match[0]) {
                //this char is not the first char of the match
                return b;
            //this is a match...put this in the first byte of the buffer,
            // and fall through to matching logic
            buffer[0] = b;
        } else {
            if (buffer[0] != match[0]) {
                //Maybe from a previous scan, there is existing data,
                // and the first available char does not match the
                // beginning of the terminating string.
                return topChar();
            //we have a match... fall through to matching logic.

        //The first character is a match... scan for complete match,
        // reading extra chars as needed, until complete match is found
        for (int i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
            if (i >= pos) {
                int b =;
                if (b == -1) {
                    //end of stream found, so match cannot be fulfilled.
                    // note we don't set endFound, because otherwise
                    // remaining part of buffer won't be returned.
                    return topChar();
                //put the read char in the buffer
                buffer[pos] = b;
            if (buffer[i] != match[i]) {
                //we did not find a match... return the top char
                return topChar();
        //A complete match was made...
        endFound = true;
        return -1;

     * Private helper method to update the internal buffer of last read characters
     * @return the byte that was previously at the front of the internal buffer
    private int topChar() {
        int b = buffer[0];
        if (pos > 1) {
            //copy down the buffer to keep the fresh data at top
            System.arraycopy(buffer, 1, buffer, 0, pos - 1);
        return b;

11.7.1.Creating an input or output stream on a ByteBuffer
11.7.2.Creating a Manifest for a JAR File
11.7.3.Convert InputStream to String
11.7.4.Compare the contents of two Streams to determine if they are equal or not.
11.7.5.Compare two InputStream
11.7.6.Counts down from a specified value the number of bytes actually read from the wrapped InputStream.
11.7.7.EOLConvertingInputStream: InputStream which converts \r bytes not followed by \n and \n not preceded by \r to \r\n.
11.7.8.Minimal InputStream subclass to fetch bytes form a String
11.7.9.Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream.
11.7.10.Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream. This method always closes the stream when finished reading.
11.7.11.Reads at most certain bytes from input stream and returns them as a byte array.
11.7.12.Using a Reader and a Writer, returns a String from an InputStream
11.7.13.Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given stream. This method always flushes and closes the stream when finished.
11.7.14.Resettable File InputStream
11.7.15.An InputStream class that terminates the stream when it encounters a particular byte sequence.