9.48.Hashtable Basics |
| 9.48.1. | Creating Hash Tables |
| 9.48.2. | Adding Key-Value Pairs |
| 9.48.3. | Get all keys and elements from a hash table |
| 9.48.4. | Copying all the key-value pairs from one Hashtable (or any Map) into another Hashtable: the putAll() method |
| 9.48.5. | Displaying Hash Table Contents |
| 9.48.6. | Removing Key-Value Pairs: call the remove() method with the specific key as its argument |
| 9.48.7. | To get rid of all key-value pairs: call the clear() method |
| 9.48.8. | Sizing Hash Tables |
| 9.48.9. | Fetching Keys and Values: the get() method |
| 9.48.10. | To perform some operation on all keys: the keys() or keySet() methods |
| 9.48.11. | Using the elements() or the values() method to get the set of all the values in the hash table |
| 9.48.12. | Getting elements (key-value pairs) from a Hashtable: the entrySet() method |
| 9.48.13. | Finding Elements |
| 9.48.14. | contains() and containsValue(): check to see if a specific value is found within the Hashtable |
| 9.48.15. | Cloning Hash Tables |
| 9.48.16. | Hashtable Immutability: to make the table read-only using Collections.unmodifiableMap(Map map) |
| 9.48.17. | Counting Word Occurrences with a hash table |
| 9.48.18. | uses a generic Hashtable to store the names of bank depositors and their current balances |
| 9.48.19. | Check if a particular key exists in Java Hashtable |
| 9.48.20. | Check if a particular value exists in Java Hashtable |
| 9.48.21. | Iterate through keys of Java Hashtable |
| 9.48.22. | Iterate through values of Java Hashtable |
| 9.48.23. | Remove all values from Java Hashtable |
| 9.48.24. | Remove value from Java Hashtable |
| 9.48.25. | Get Collection of Values from Hashtable |
| 9.48.26. | Get Set view of Keys from Hashtable |
| 9.48.27. | Scan the content of a hashtable |
| 9.48.28. | Sort keys in an Hashtable |
| 9.48.29. | Use iterators with a Hashtable. |