Stack Example: Delimiter Matching : Your Stack « Collections « Java Tutorial

This time we use the Stack class from Java library.

Using stack to check matching brackets


  1. c[d] // correct
  2. a{b[c]d}e // correct
  3. a{b(c]d}e // not correct; ] doesn't match (
  4. a[b{c}d]e} // not correct; nothing matches final }
  5. a{b(c) // not correct; Nothing matches opening {
import java.util.Stack;

class BracketChecker {
  private String input;

  public BracketChecker(String in) {
    input = in;

  public void check() {
    Stack<Character> theStack = new Stack<Character>();

    for (int j = 0; j < input.length(); j++) {
      char ch = input.charAt(j);
      switch (ch) {
      case '{': 
      case '[':
      case '(':
      case '}': 
      case ']':
      case ')':
        if (!theStack.isEmpty()) {
          char chx = theStack.pop();
          if ((ch == '}' && chx != '{') || (ch == ']' && chx != '[') || (ch == ')' && chx != '('))
            System.out.println("Error: " + ch + " at " + j);
        } else

          System.out.println("Error: " + ch + " at " + j);
    if (!theStack.isEmpty()){
      System.out.println("Error: missing right delimiter");

public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String input;
    input = "[]]()()";

    BracketChecker theChecker = new BracketChecker(input);

Error: ] at 2

9.52.Your Stack
9.52.1.A stack allows access to only one data item: the last item inserted
9.52.2.Using stack to reverse a string
9.52.3.Stack Example: Delimiter Matching
9.52.4.Demonstrating a stack implemented as a list