9.26.HashMap |
| 9.26.1. | HashMap Class: a basic key-value map where the elements are unordered |
| 9.26.2. | Iterate through the values of HashMap |
| 9.26.3. | Get Synchronized Map from HashMap |
| 9.26.4. | Check if a particular key exists in HashMap |
| 9.26.5. | Check if a particular value exists in HashMap |
| 9.26.6. | For keys of a map |
| 9.26.7. | For values of a map |
| 9.26.8. | For both the keys and values of a map |
| 9.26.9. | Storing Primitive Types in a Collection |
| 9.26.10. | Get Set view of Keys from HashMap |
| 9.26.11. | Get Size of HashMap |
| 9.26.12. | Adding Key-Value Pairs: public Object put(Object key, Object value) |
| 9.26.13. | If key is not in add the key value pair |
| 9.26.14. | Unlike a Hashtable, both the key and the value for a HashMap can be null |
| 9.26.15. | To copy all the key-value pairs from one Map into another: public void putAll(Map map) |
| 9.26.16. | Displaying Contents: public String toString() |
| 9.26.17. | Remove value from HashMap |
| 9.26.18. | Removing Key-Value Pairs: public Object remove(Object key) |
| 9.26.19. | Removal of all elements from a map: public void clear() |
| 9.26.20. | Sizing Hash Maps: find out the number of key-value pairs within the HashMap |
| 9.26.21. | Fetching Keys and Values: find a value based upon a specific key with: public Object get(Object key) |
| 9.26.22. | Getting the set of all keys with the keySet() method: public Set keySet() |
| 9.26.23. | To get the set of all the values in the hash map: public Collection values() |
| 9.26.24. | To get a set of Map.Entry elements back from a HashMap: public Set entrySet() |
| 9.26.25. | Finding Elements |
| 9.26.26. | Cloning Hash Map: public Object clone() |
| 9.26.27. | Creating a Copy of a Collection: the objects are not cloned. |
| 9.26.28. | Checking Hash Maps for Equality: public boolean equals(Object o) |
| 9.26.29. | Sort an HashMap based on the keys |
| 9.26.30. | Serializing Hash Maps |
| 9.26.31. | Use Iterator to loop through the map key set |
| 9.26.32. | Create Java Hashtable from HashMap |
| 9.26.33. | How do I...Store simple pairs of data for quick lookup? |