Locates a particular type of exception : Exception « Development « Java Tutorial

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 * Contains static methods useful for manipulating exceptions.
public class ExceptionUtils
     * Locates a particular type of exception, working its way via the cause property of each exception in the exception
     * stack.
     * @param t    the outermost exception
     * @param type the type of exception to search for
     * @return the first exception of the given type, if found, or null
    public static <T extends Throwable> T findCause(Throwable t, Class<T> type)
        Throwable current = t;

        while (current != null)
            if (type.isInstance(current)) return type.cast(current);

            // Not a match, work down.

            current = current.getCause();

        return null;

6.23.1.Error Handling
6.23.2.Types of Exceptions
6.23.3.Java's Unchecked RuntimeException Subclasses
6.23.4.Java's Checked Exceptions Defined in java.lang
6.23.5.Throwing an Exception from a Method
6.23.6.Write a catch block that handles java.lang.Exception
6.23.7.Handling Exceptions
6.23.8.Multiple catch Blocks
6.23.9.The finally Block
6.23.10.Exception Objects: stack trace
6.23.11.Defining Your Own Exceptions, Throwing Your Own Exception
6.23.12.Demonstrate exception chaining.
6.23.13.Getting the Stack Trace of an Exception
6.23.14.Put printStackTrace() into a String: redirect the StackTrace to a String with a StringWriter/PrintWriter
6.23.15.Check whether given exception is compatible with the exceptions declared in a throws clause
6.23.16.Convert an exception to a String with full stack trace
6.23.17.Get Deepest Throwable
6.23.18.Get the stack trace of the supplied exception.
6.23.19.Is Checked Exception
6.23.20.Locates a particular type of exception
6.23.21.Make a string representation of the exception
6.23.22.Print all of the thread's information and stack traces
6.23.23.Return stack trace from the passed exception as a string
6.23.24.Returns the root cause of an exception
6.23.25.Create a new Exception, setting the cause if possible.
6.23.26.Returns the output of printStackTrace as a String.
6.23.27.This program creates a custom exception type.
6.23.28.Utility methods for dealing with stack traces