Overriding a Base Class Method : Inheritance « Class Definition « Java Tutorial

class Animal {
  public Animal(String aType) {
    type = new String(aType);
  public String toString() {
    return "This is a " + type;
  private String type;
class Dog extends Animal {
  public Dog(String aName) {
    name = aName; 
    breed = "Unknown";
  public Dog(String aName, String aBreed) {
    name = aName;
    breed = aBreed;
  public String toString() {
    return "It's " + name + " the " + breed;
  private String name; 
  private String breed;

5.22.3.Method Overriding
5.22.4.The extends Keyword
5.22.5.Deriving a Class
5.22.6.The keyword super represents an instance of the direct superclass of the current object.
5.22.7.Derived Class Constructors: Calling the Base Class Constructor
5.22.8.Overriding a Base Class Method
5.22.9.Type Casting
5.22.10.Inheritance, constructors and arguments
5.22.11.Combining composition and inheritance
5.22.12.Inheritance and upcasting.
5.22.13.Overloading a base-class method name in a derived class does not hide the base-class versions.
5.22.14.Cleanup and inheritance
5.22.15.Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy
5.22.16.Demonstrate when constructors are called in a Multilevel Hierarchy