The java.util.Calendar Class : Calendar « Data Type « Java Tutorial

To create a java.util.Calendar object, you have to use its static getInstance method.

public static Calendar getInstance ()
public static Calendar getInstance (Locale locale)

The first overload returns an instance that employs the computer's locale.

import java.util.Calendar;

public class MainClass{

  public static void main(String[] args){
     Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance ();


2.39.1.The java.util.Calendar Class
2.39.2.Create instance of java.sql.Date from Calendar.getTimeInMillis()
2.39.3.Create a Date object using the Calendar class
2.39.4.Using the Calendar Class to Display Current Time in Different Time Zones
2.39.5.Get day of week
2.39.6.Display Day of Week using Java Calendar
2.39.7.Display Month of year using Java Calendar
2.39.8.Get current date, year and month
2.39.9.Get current time information
2.39.10.Get the last date of a month
2.39.11.Get the last day of a month
2.39.12.Display full date time
2.39.13.Get time in milliseconds using Java Calendar
2.39.14.Get Week of month and year using Java Calendar
2.39.15.Construct a Calendar object by using the setTime method
2.39.16.To obtain a date part, such as the hour, the month, or the year, use the get method
2.39.17.To change a date/time component, use its set method: public void set (int field, int value)
2.39.18.Change multiple components at the same time
2.39.19.Check for a Leap Year
2.39.20.Checking for a Leap Year: using GregorianCalendar
2.39.21.Get Days Of The Week for different locale
2.39.22.Get the number of days in that month
2.39.23.Try month in a leap year