For the sake of performance, not everything in Java is an object.
There are also primitives, such as int, long, float, double, etc.
- The java.lang.Integer class wraps an int.
- The Integer class has two static final fields of type int: MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE.
- MIN_VALUE contains the minimum possible value for an int (-2^31) and
- MAX_VALUE the maximum possible value for an int (2^31 - 1).
Integer class has two constructors:
public Integer (int value)
public Integer (String value)
For example, this code constructs two Integer objects.
Integer i1 = new Integer (12);
Integer i2 = new Integer ("123");
Integer has the no-arg byteValue, doubleValue, floatValue, intValue, longValue, and shortValue methods
that convert the wrapped value to a byte, double, float, int, long, and short, respectively.
In addition, the toString method converts the value to a String.
static methods parse a String to an int (parseInt) and convert an int to a String (toString).
public static int parsetInt (String string)
public static String toString (int i)