Determine if an hour is between an interval : Date Calculation « Data Type « Java Tutorial

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
public class Main{
    static String  HOUR_FORMAT = "HH:mm";
    static SimpleDateFormat sdfHour = new SimpleDateFormat(HOUR_FORMAT);
    public static boolean isHourInInterval(String target, String start, String end) {
        return ((target.compareTo(start) >= 0)&& (target.compareTo(end) <= 0));
    public static void main (String[] args) {
      String now = "12";
      String start = "14:00";
      String end   = "14:26";
      System. out.println(now + " between " + start + "-" + end + "?");
      System. out.println(isHourInInterval(now,start,end));

2.42.Date Calculation
2.42.1.Compare date time using after method of Java Calendar
2.42.2.Compare date time using before method of Java Calendar
2.42.3.Increment and Decrement a Date Using the Calendar Class
2.42.4.Increment and Decrement Months Using the Calendar Class
2.42.5.Add or substract days to current date using Java Calendar
2.42.6.Substract days from current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.7.Add hours to current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.8.Calendar adjust date automatically
2.42.9.Substract hours from current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.10.Add minutes to current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.11.Substract minutes from current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.12.Add months to current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.13.Substract months from current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.14.Add seconds to current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.15.Substract seconds from current time using Calendar.add method
2.42.16.Add week to current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.17.Substract week from current date
2.42.18.Add year to current date using Calendar.add method
2.42.19.Substract year from current date
2.42.20.Substract 30 days from the calendar
2.42.21.Add 10 months to the calendar
2.42.22.Substract 1 year from the calendar
2.42.23.If a date is after another date
2.42.24.If a date is before another date
2.42.25.Compute days between 2 dates
2.42.26.Calculate the age
2.42.27.Determining If a Year Is a Leap Year
2.42.28.Determining the Day-of-Week for a Particular Date
2.42.29.Add hours, minutes or seconds to a date
2.42.30.Find the Difference Between Two Given Dates
2.42.31.add another 12 hours and print out the date and time
2.42.32.subtract 4 hours from the time and print out the date and time
2.42.33.add 8 days to the current date and print out the date and time
2.42.34.Returns the number of days within the fragment.
2.42.35.Returns the number of hours within the fragment.
2.42.36.Returns the number of milliseconds within the fragment.
2.42.37.Returns the number of minutes within the fragment.
2.42.38.Returns the number of seconds within the fragment.
2.42.39.Returns a Date set just to Noon, to the closest possible millisecond of the day.
2.42.40.Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the month, just before midnight.
2.42.41.Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the month, just after midnight.
2.42.42.Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the minute.
2.42.43.Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the day, just before midnight.
2.42.44.Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the day, just after midnight.
2.42.45.Returns true if endDate is after startDate or if startDate equals endDate.
2.42.46.Round this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field.
2.42.47.Checks if two date objects represent the same instant in time
2.42.48.Checks if two calendar objects represent the same local time.
2.42.49.Checks if two date objects are on the same day ignoring time
2.42.50.Truncate this date(Calendar), leaving the field specified as the most significant field.
2.42.51.Truncate this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field.
2.42.52.Days Till End Of Year
2.42.53.Convert day of year to day of month
2.42.54.Determine if an hour is between an interval